397 research outputs found

    The change of terminus and ice velocity field and grounding line estimation in Langhovde Glacier, Antarctica.

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム 横断セッション「海・陸・氷床から探る後期新生代の南極寒冷圏環境変動」11月27日(火) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Prostate Cancer Detected by Choroidal Tumor and Complete Response to Hormonal Therapy: Case Report and Literature Review of 24 Patients With Choroidal Metastasis From Prostate Cancer

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    Metastatic choroidal tumors derived from prostate cancer are rare. In this study, we report a patient who manifested a choroidal tumor as the initial presenting sign of prostate cancer and review 23 patients with choroidal metastasis of prostate cancer in the literature to answer a clinical question how the choroidal metastases would respond to hormonal therapy. A 73-year-old man presented with a choroidal tumor in the right eye. He was in good health and had no previous history except for current hemodialysis in 3 years due to chronic renal failure as a sequel to glomerulonephritis. With the diagnosis of a probable metastatic tumor, positron emission tomography was performed to disclose high-uptake sites in multiple bones, lymph nodes, and the prostate, together with multiple nodular lesions in bilateral lungs on computed tomography (CT) scan. Serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was elevated to 541 ng/mL, which supported prostate cancer as the primary site. He had degarelix injection, and the choroidal tumor resolved rapidly and became flat degeneration in a month. Prostate biopsy showed poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, and he underwent surgical castration. He had no medication until 3 years later when he showed gradual increase of serum PSA up to 6.05 ng/mL and multiple bony metastases on CT scan. Bicalutamide, switched to enzalutamide and then to abiraterone, led to the undetectable level of serum PSA until the last visit with no relapse of the choroidal metastasis, 6.8 years after the initial visit. In the literature review of 24 patients with choroidal metastasis of prostate cancer, including this patient, 8 patients presented a choroidal tumor as the initial sign and the choroidal lesions mostly showed complete response to hormonal therapy. Among 13 patients who were frequently in the course of hormonal therapy, choroidal metastases showed complete or partial response to external beam radiation to the eye in 11 patients and episcleral plaque radiotherapy in 2 patients. In conclusion, metastatic choroidal tumors of prostate cancer would show good response to hormonal therapy when the therapy has not been initiated. Hormone-resistant choroidal metastases in the therapeutic course of prostate cancer could be managed successfully by external beam radiation to the eye

    Genetic Factors of Low-responsiveness to Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine Confirms the Importance of Human Leukocyte Antigen Class II Types in a Japanese Young Adult Population

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    We investigated the genetic mechanisms underlying the association between human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types and the immune response to hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination in 84 healthy Japanese adults, and found that the HLA-DRB1*04 and HLA-DQB1*03 frequencies were higher in the low responders (<10 mIU/ml; n=9, 10.7%) compared to the responders (≥10 mIU/ml, n=75, 89.3%). The combination of DRB1*04 and DQB1*03 was associated with a low response to vaccination. The DRB1*04 and DQB1*03 haplotypes’ frequencies were significantly higher in the low responders compared to responders. Novel candidate HLA types may be important in Japanese individuals

    B Methodにおける部品再利用によるソフトウェア合成と高信頼ソフトウェア部品の整備

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    本研究では信頼性を定理証明により定性的に評価可能な高信頼ソフトウェアを形式仕様から自動生成する手法の提案を目的とする.また,この手法の実現にあたり課題となる,高信頼部品整備を容易にするため,既存の高信頼ソフトウェアからソフトウェア部品群を自動生成する手法を提案する. 近年のソフトウェアの大規模複雑化に伴い,開発コストの増大と信頼性の低下が問題となっている.高信頼なソフトウェアを容易に開発することはソフトウェア工学の大目標の一つといえる.これに対するドラスティックなアプローチとしては入力仕様や設計から人手によらずコードを生成する自動コード生成が挙げられる.自動コード生成は開発コストの低減や開発期間の短縮だけでなく,人による誤りが混入せず信頼性向上にも寄与する.一方で,生成ソフトウェアの信頼性が部品の信頼性に依存し,高信頼なソフトウェア部品を開発対象ごとに整備する必要があり,このコストが手法適用の妨げとなる. 本研究では数学を基盤としてソフトウェアの信頼性を定性的に保証する形式手法BMethod の枠組みをソフトウェア部品と再利用の自動化に応用することで,高信頼ソフトウェア部品の自動生成とその再利用による新たなソフトウェア開発手法「モデル充足ソフトウェア合成(MSSS)手法」を提案する.B Method はJ.R.Abrial らにより提案された形式手法であり,大きな特徴として数学的仕様と命令型言語による実装間の整合性を定理証明に保証できる点である.MSSS 手法ではこのB Method の信頼性保証の枠組みを応用してモデル充足ソフトウェア部品(MSFC) を定義する. MSSS 手法は基盤とする数学的仕様の性質上,集合論と述語論理で記述できる範囲内でしかソフトウェアの仕様を記述できず,非同期処理やユーザインタフェースは自動合成の対象外となる.一方で,ソフトウェアの信頼性とMSFC の信頼性を数学的に定義することで,MSSS 手法では部品生成手法とソフトウェア合成手法の信頼性を数学的に定義でき,定性的な評価が可能である.本研究ではソフトウェア部品の生成手法自体に定理証明を適用し,その信頼性を定性的に保証する事を試みた.これにより,細分化モデルの信頼性を保証するのに必要な推論器の性質と,制約条件の抽出条件を定理証明により得られた.ソフトウェア合成についても提案した合成手順で部品の実装間の制約条件の矛盾以外は保証できることを示し,合成結果に矛盾が生じた際の低コストな解決手段を提案した. MSSS 手法のように数学的判定を必要とする部品自動再利用では膨大な部品群に対して数学的判定を行うため,計算コストの低減が問題となる.本研究ではこの問題に対して,数学的に意味の等しい数学的仕様の字面が一致し,また,含意関係となる字面が完全部分一致となるようモデル細分化手法を提案した.これにより,文字列一致による効率的な部品検索を可能にした. 本研究ではMSSS 手法の適用例として銀行口座システムなどに対するMSFC 生成とレンタカーシステムなどの自動合成を行った.これにより生成されたMSFC やソフトウェアに対してB Method の証明器を適用し,定義どおりの信頼性が得られることを確認した.ただし,B Method により記述されたソフトウェアは現状では広く公開されておらず,より実践的な手法の適用が今後の課題となる. 近年では,システムの不具合が莫大な賠償や会社の信用問題に発展するケースが相次いでおり,一般企業にも高信頼なシステム開発が求められている.しかし,高信頼ソフトウェア開発手法はその高い開発コストゆえに普及していないのが実情である.このため,MSSS 手法により高信頼ソフトウェア開発を自動化することは,高信頼ソフトウェア開発の導入コストを低減し,それを普及する為にも重要であると考える.また,高信頼ソフトウェア開発の自動化により人間はデバッグやコーディング作業から解放され,より上流工程の創造的作業に専念できると期待できる.電気通信大学201

    Helicobacter suis-Associated Gastritis Mimicking Conventional H. pylori-Associated Atrophic Gastritis

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    A 45-year-old Japanese man underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy, which revealed spotty redness at the gastric fornix, mucosal swelling, diffuse redness in the corpus, and mucosal atrophy in the gastric angle and antrum. Histological examination showed rod-shaped bacteria that appeared larger than Helicobacter pylori. The patient tested positive for rapid urease test, and serum anti-H. pylori IgG antibody test results were negative. Further examination of the bacteria revealed that H. suis antibody test was positive, and the presence of H. suis was confirmed using H. suis-specific real-time PCR. H. suis was successfully eradicated after triple therapy with vonoprazan, amoxicillin, and clarithromycin. This case reinforces the notion that non-H. pylori Helicobacter species such as H. suis and H. heilmannii may be involved in the pathogenesis of active gastritis in patients who test negative for H. pylori antibodies

    Differences in Cytokine Gene Expression after a Stimulation with Escherichia Coli and Porphyromonas Gingivalis or Lipopolysaccharides Derived from these Bacteria

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    Monocytes are important cells in innate immunity. The early stage of the innate immunity is regulated by various cytokines produced by monocytes. We conducted a preliminary study to investigate TNFα expression by stimulating THP-1 cells with several bacterial species. The TNFα mRNA levels significantly varied, with the most potent stimulatory effects observed with P. gingivalis. In the present study, we focused on P. gingivalis and compared differences in cytokine expression profiles after the stimulation of THP-1 with E. coli. Bacterial antigen stimulation increased various cytokine gene expressions in THP-1. P. gingivalis had significantly more potent effects on the mRNA expressions of TNFα, IL-1β, and IL-10, but not of IL-12p40, than E. coli. This result suggests the potent ability of P. gingivalis to induce inflammation. THP-1 stimulated with LPS derived from both bacterial species showed that E. coli had significantly more potent effects on the expressions of TNFα, IL-1β, and IL-12p40 than P. gingivalis. The differences in the bacterial antigens and the LPS stimulation effects suggest involvements of different receptors, such as TLR-2 and -4, which recognize bacterial components. The present results suggest that the P. gingivalis somatic cell antigen stimulates a number of pattern recognition receptors at the same time as the synthesis of bacterial components, except LPS. The potent virulence of P. gingivalis and persistence of infection might be affected by differences in cytokine production. Pro-inflammatory responses are dependent not only on the bacterial type, but also bacterial components

    A Comparative Study on Histopathological Aspects of Benign and Malignant Smooth Muscle Tumors appeared in Oral Regions

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    Histopathological aspects of two cases of smooth muscle tumors appeared in oral regions (case 1: angiomyoma; case 2: leiomyosarcoma) have been described. Histopathological features of both cases showed a similarity in terms of relationship with blood vessels. In spite of the changes of cell structure and the destructive pattern of cell proliferation, the results as determined by special staining techniques were the same in the benign and malignant tumors. The histopathological features, origin, and differential diagnosis of the two types of tumors were also discussed

    Impurity-induced magnetic order in the mixture of two spin gap systems (CH3)2CHNH3CuCl3 and (CH3)2CHNH3CuBr3

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    The ground state of the solid solution of the two spin gap systems (CH3)2CHNH3CuCl3 and (CH3)2CHNH3CuBr3 has been investigated by 1H-NMR. The existence of a magnetic ordering in the sample with the Cl-content x=0.85 was clearly demonstrated by a drastic splitting in a resonance line at low temperatures below TN=13.5K. The observed NMR spectra in the ordered state was qualitatively consistent with the simple antiferromagnetic state.Comment: QuBS200